Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Hi there,

Hope all is well!

Sending a quick note since I think I can help TGM Enterprise of
Louisiana; LLC reduce
$100s+/year in expenses by switching to a top-rated phone platform at a
fraction of the rate (Quote in minutes).

Slash as much as $100s/yr with a Phone Platform boasting:

✔️ Unlimited calling
✔️ Award-winning support
✔️ Voicemail to Email
✔️ Best-in-class apps
✔️ Loaded with free extras

How about racking in savings like other Louisiana companies we've helped
like yours?

Just send me a note back with a best direct phone number. We'll quickly get
in touch to go over your needs so we can get you on the way to smooth


Bettye Wilson
Comm. Specialist


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